Update from the Superintendent - January 31, 2025

MarchDear Scotts Valley Community,

At the first Board Meeting in February, the Board approved the 2025-26 school calendar, and it is now available for your reference on the District website.  This calendar is very similar to that of our current and previous year and is closely aligned with other districts in the County.

At both February Board meetings, middle school and elementary teacher representatives presented to the Board a request to consider a bell schedule change for the 2025-26 school year. This schedule change information was sent to TK-8 parents before the Board's approval on February 25th. Letter to Families - Block Change 2025-26

District planning for the 2025-26 school year includes both staffing and budget considerations. Unfortunately, staffing reductions will be necessary for the 2025-26 school year. These reductions have been anticipated based on budget data that the Board of Trustees regularly reviews in Public Session meetings. However, the District remains committed to minimizing reductions whenever possible.

SVMS converted to solar power at the beginning of February, and SVHS did the same a few weeks later. Brook Knoll is scheduled next, and we are waiting on PG&E. 

Solar Switch Image



The Safe Schools Project of Santa Cruz County, in collaboration with The Diversity Center, TransFamilies of Santa Cruz County, and the Santa Cruz County Office ofMarch Letter Education (SCCOE), has created a resource site to help keep our LGBTQ+ students, families, educators, and community members informed about their rights and how to access legal and support services when needed.  Visit the site to learn more: safeschoolsproject.org/California-safe-schools

For March, our DEIB focus centers on Women in History and National Disability Awareness Month. Our schools and district will celebrate the accomplishments of so many incredible women in our rich history. We also seek to celebrate and recognize people with disabilities and explore how we honor and include people of all abilities throughout the month.  Please look at different events happening at our school sites to promote inclusion and belonging and celebrate each other's different abilities.

Throughout March, we will host assemblies, lunchtime activities, and embedded lessons throughout campus designed to educate and inspire students about how people experience the world and contribute to our communities.

Across the district, schools will be hosting assemblies featuring guest speakers, interactive presentations, and inspiring stories from the Inclusion Collaborative group from the Santa Clara County Office of Education. These assemblies will help students appreciate different abilities and understand how we can all work together to create a more inclusive environment.

To further our learning, students will have the opportunity to participate in interactive lunchtime activities on select days that highlight different abilities and promote inclusive practices. These activities may include:

  • Simulation Stations – Hands-on experiences to help students understand different physical, sensory, and learning disabilities.

  • Empathy Building Games – Engaging activities that encourage perspective-taking and kindness.

  • Meet & Greet – Conversations with individuals with disabilities to hear their stories and ask questions.

  • Adaptive Sports Demonstrations – Showcasing inclusive sports and recreational activities.

Mark your calendarDown Syndrome Awareness Day - March 21st

On March 21st, we will celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Day, a global event dedicated to advocating for the rights, inclusion, and well-being of individuals with Down syndrome.

We encourage all students and staff to participate by wearing mismatched socksMismatched Socks, symbolizing and embracing differences and celebrating uniqueness. This tradition began to represent the extra chromosome that individuals with Down syndrome have, as chromosomes are often shaped like socks. Wearing mismatched socks is a fun and visible way to show support and raise awareness!

We encourage families to continue these conversations at home by discussing the importance of inclusion and celebrating the unique strengths of all individuals. If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please reach out to your child's school or our special education department at specialeducation@scottsvalleyusd.org.

Also, this month, all schools will ask families to complete a very important survey, the 2024-25 SVUSD Climate Survey for Parents. As a part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing the educational experience for our students, we hope you will take a few minutes to provide your feedback. Your valuable insights are crucial in helping us understand your perspectives and preferences, ultimately contributing to the continuous improvement of our schools. The 2024-25 Parent Climate Survey will be sent to families in early March and open until March 28.

Positive attendance is important for your child’s success! Visit the District’s Student Services website page to learn more.

Thank you for your support in making this a meaningful and impactful month for our students!


Tanya Krause, Superintendent, and the District Office Team

Please visit school websites for important dates and events

Brook Knoll Elementary Website

Vine Hill Elementary Website

Scotts Valley Middle School Website

Scotts Valley High School Website

Scotts Valley Unified School District Website