Frequently Asked Questions
When is the first day of school for 2024-2025? August 8, 2024
When is the last of day school for 2024-2025? May 29, 2025
What are the hours of the District Office? The District Office is open 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, with the exception of holidays. Summer hours vary. They are posted on the front door during the summer, and in the NEWS section on the homepage.
How can I obtain a copy of the student calendar? You may download a copy of the current student calendar or pick up a hard copy at the District Office located at 108 Whispering Pines Drive, Suite 115, Scotts Valley, CA 95066.
How do I register my child for school? Please contact the school(s) directly for registration information. All school contact information is listed under the SCHOOLS tab at the top of each webpage.
When is Kindergarten registration? You may pick up a registration packet at either Brook Knoll or Vine Hill Elementary School any time after February 1st.
How do I know if a specific residential address is in the Scotts Valley Unified School District? You can look up a specific street address on the District Street Index. This list is provided by the Santa Cruz County Office of Voter’s Registration. Streets are listed in alphabetical order. If you need clarification as to which elementary school your child would attend, please call Brook Knoll Elementary (831) 423-2454, Vine Hill Elementary (831) 438-1090, or the District Office (831) 438-1820.
When and where are the Board of Trustees meetings? Board meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of most months and Public Session begins at 6:00 PM, unless otherwise noted on the agenda. In-person meetings have resumed and the meeting schedule for 2023 can be found here.
Where can I read or obtain a copy of the Board Meeting Agenda and Board Packet? Board agendas and packets are available for review 72 hours prior to a regularly scheduled meeting in the District Office or you may click on the Board Meeting Agenda link on the Homepage.
How do I find out about employment opportunities with the Scotts Valley Unified School District? Please visit Edjoin for a listing of open positions.
How do I obtain a work permit? You may obtain the necessary paperwork needed to begin processing a work permit at the Scotts Valley High School Administration Office during the school year. During the summer months, work permits are processed and issued at the District Office.
How do I transfer out of or into the Scotts Valley Unified School District? For information on how to request a transfer out of or into SVUSD, please review our Interdistrict Transfer webpage under Educational Services/Student Support Services.