How to Address The Board
Public Participation
Members of the public are welcome to address the Board during the meeting. Please refer to the sections below for instructions on how to address the Board regarding items that are listed and not listed on the agenda. You will be given opportunities to provide public comment at the appropriate times throughout the meeting.
For item(s) listed on the agenda:
At the appropriate times during the meeting for public comment, on specific agenda items, the Board President will announce that public comment will be accepted.
Please fill out a blue "Request to Speak to the Board" form, located on the back table, and present it to the recording secretary prior to Board discussion of that agenda item. Trustees will receive your comments and the Board President will invite individual speakers to the podium to address the Board. All public comments that are introduced during this time will be included in the official meeting record.
Open Public Comments during specific agenda items are limited to 15 minutes total, 3 minutes per individual speaker.
Please note that per our standard practice, this is not a question and answer time, but simply a time for you to provide your comments to the Board of Trustees.
Please also note that any documents or written information presented to the Board will become public information.
For item(s) not listed on the agenda:
During the agenda item titled "Matters From The Public - Oral", the Board President will welcome members of the public to address the Board regarding matters that have not been agendized.
Please fill out a blue "Request to Speak to the Board" form, located on the back table, and present it to the recording secretary prior to the beginning of the meeting. Trustees will receive your comments, but may not discuss items that have not been agendized.
Open Public Comments at the beginning of the meeting are limited to 15 minutes total, 3 minutes per individual speaker.
Please note that per our standard practice, this is not a question and answer time, but simply a time for you to provide your comments to the Board of Trustees.
Please also note that any documents or written information presented to the Board will become public information.
How to comment via email:
Members of the public may provide public comment by sending comments to
Comments should be limited to 300 words or less.
Emailed comments must be received by 4:00 pm the day of the meeting and will be included in the official meeting record, but not read during the meeting.
Emails received after 4:00 pm the day of the meeting will not be included in the record.