Health & Welfare Benefits

Scotts Valley Unified School District offers a generous and comprehensive benefits package to eligible employees and their eligible dependents. There is a choice of six medical plan options, dental and vision coverage, employee assistance program, district-paid employee basic life insurance of $100,000.

The amount that an employee may be required to pay for coverage may change annually. These amounts are determined by the increase in premium and announced during the Open Enrollment period held in May. Any required employee contribution is made through automatic payroll deduction.

Eligible employees may also choose to participate in a Health Care and/or Dependent Day Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA).

Eligible Employees

An active employee, in paid status, in a contracted position of, 75% or more for classified, and 50% or more for certificated, is eligible for medical, dental, vision, and life insurance coverage.

Effective Date of Coverage

An employee’s coverage under the district-sponsored medical, dental, vision, and basic life insurance plans becomes effective as follows:

  • Employees hired and having a start date on the first of the month - Benefits will become effective on the first day of that month.  EXAMPLE: An employee beginning on September 1 would become eligible for benefits on September 1st.

  • Employees hired and beginning work after the 1st of the month - Benefits will become effective the first day of the following month of paid service.  EXAMPLE: An employee starting on August 17th would become eligible for benefits on September 1st.

Coverage for Eligible Dependents who are included on an employee's enrollment form becomes effective the same date as the employee's coverage. All enrollment forms must be received in the Human Resources office no later than 30 days from the date the employee becomes eligible.