Scotts Valley Unified School District has school and behavior counselors at each level of school: elementary, middle and high schools.
At the elementary level the counselor helps to implement the All Children Are Really Exceptional (ACARE) program. This program was developed by a former SVUSD elementary counselor. The focus on ACARE is to assist children with school adjustment, problem solving, making good choices, getting along and being an effective and productive student. The elementary counselor will also facilitate short term intervention groups for students who may be experiencing challenges in their lives such as divorce or death in the family, low self esteem or related types of issues that have an affect on school adjustment.
The middle and high school counselors, in addition to helping students with school adjustment concerns, work extensively with academic counseling. They will help students develop an appropriate schedule of classes according to students’ needs and requirements for graduation or higher education. Adolescence is an especially challenging time and the counselors work diligently with school staff, families and outside agencies, if necessary, to help students be as connected and committed to school as possible.
Please contact your site Principal for more information.
SVHS | Sarah Hershey | |
SVHS | Grace Wahl | |
SVHS | Mike Leimbach | |
SVMS | Allison Baumsteiger | |
SVMS | Abigail Stevens | |
BK & VH | Ryan Navaroli | |
VH | MacKenzie Keller |
Kaiser Permanente Santa Cruz County Community Benefit Team toured Brook Knoll and SVMS to see how their generous counseling grant was being implemented.