Universal Transitional Kindergarten Program

What to Expect with Transitional Kindergarten
Transitional Kindergarten is a half day program that supports students’ early childhood education. Research shows that the most critical growth happens in the first five years of students’ lives. This program is designed to support our 4 year olds as they transition to “big kid school”.
Our teachers are trained in Early Childhood Development and they are using a curriculum that combines early reading and math skills to support students in exploring their world. The emphasis is placed on Social Emotional learning & support for interactions with peers and adults.
Our district follows the California Preschool Learning Foundations standards and applies their specialized knowledge of Kindergarten to support a unique environment for young children.
While the program is only a half-day of school, there is extended care on site for families who need full day options for their children. You can find information about these programs at https://www.discoverchampions.com/ . The on-site program provides wrap-around care for before and after school. Extending the play-based learning for students in a safe and supportive environment.

Transitional Kindergarten & Kindergarten FAQs