Section 504 Plans & Implementation
Scotts Valley Unified School District provides a free, appropriate public education to each student within its jurisdiction who is qualified for a Section 504 Plan under the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Section 504 is a function of general education.
What Qualifies a Student for a Section 504?
Students who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (which is an everyday activity an average person can perform with little or not difficulty), has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having such impairment. The impairment could include:
Performing manual tasks
Caring for oneself
When a handicapping condition serves as an access barrier to a student, "reasonable accommodations" must be made.
What is a Section 504 Plan?
If the District believes a student with a handicapping condition needs accommodations or related services in the regular setting in order to participate in the school program, the student is entitled to an assessment. If the student is determined to be Section 504 eligible, the District must develop and implement an "Accommodation Plan" for the delivery of needed services. Accommodations generally involve adjustments or modifications made by classroom teachers and other school staff to enable the 504-eligible student to benefit from his/her educational program. Accommodations may provide support of a physical, instructional, or social/emotional nature.
Who can refer a student for Section 504 consideration?
Students may be self-referred or referred by a parent/guardian, teacher, or other school staff.
Who is in charge of Section 504?
Each site has a Section 504 Coordinator. The 504 Coordinator will schedule a meeting and invite the appropriate staff including classroom teacher and parent/guardian. Student Services oversees Section 504 for the District.