Nursing & Health Services
The Scotts Valley Unified School District provides a variety of services to promote the wellness of every student in the district.
A Credentialed School Nurse who is licensed in California and certified in Public Health is available to coordinate health related screenings and services and give counsel to parents and teachers in regard to any health concerns. Direct services are provided by the non-licensed school office staff and supervised by the Credentialed School Nurse.
For a student with special health needs (asthma, cancer, diabetes, seizure disorders, severe allergy, heart disease, etc.), the district nurse will work with the student, family, their physician and appropriate school staff to create an individualized health care plan. This plan will provide instructions (indicating needed services, provider and time of services) for promotion of the student’s safety and health while at school and for possible emergencies. The student with special health needs must have a plan in place before attending school to ensure safety and appropriate services. Contact your school’s office for more information.
Contact: Nadia Oskolkoff, Director of Student Services at 831-438-1820 x 103

Kristen Hoogstra, MSN, RN

CERTIFIED HEALTH AIDES (Non-licensed Staff) Vine Hill Elementary: Tanya Strite - Brook Knoll Elementary: Mika Snowbarger - |
Narcan Directory
Emergency Information
An Emergency Information Card must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian for each student at the beginning of each school year. This form will be kept on file in the office and used to contact parents / guardians in emergency situations. Any changes to the information on this card should be reported promptly to the office staff.
Illness or Injury
For health and safety purposes, students should not be sent to school if they are showing signs of illness, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, constant coughing, sore throat or untreated infected skin patches / rashes. Students with a fever should be kept home until he/she is fever free for 24 hours, without benefit from a fever - reducing agent.
Parents should notify the school office whenever their child is going to be absent from school due to illness or injury. Parents should report any communicable disease diagnosed by a physician as soon as possible.
During school hours if your child feels ill or is injured, the office personnel will determine if your child needs to be taken home by checking the following signs or symptoms.
Temperature of 100.4° degrees F or above
Difficult or rapid breathing (with no relief from medications provided by parent)
Severe coughing
Eyes that are red, swollen and draining
Vomiting / diarrhea
Severe pain
If any of these conditions exist, the office staff will notify the parents. Parents are responsible to pick up your child or arrange for a designated person to pick up the child promptly. The adult picking up the child must sign out the student in the school office and must be listed on the student's Emergency Contact List.
If your child has a long-term medical condition (such as asthma, severe allergies or anaphylaxis, diabetes, seizures, etc.) please make sure it is noted on the Emergency Information Card and in Synergy. Healthcare plans for these conditions must be signed by physician and submitted to the school office. Forms can be obtained from school office or downloaded from Health Forms below.
Head Lice
A student who has active, adult live lice will be excluded from school until treatment is completed. Once treatment has been completed, the student shall be allowed to return to school the next day and shall be checked by school staff to ensure that the student is free of lice before returning to class.
The California Education Code has specific guidelines for all public schools regarding the administration of medications for both prescription and over the counter medications.
A physician's statement must be completed each school year for students receiving either prescription and/or over-the-counter medications during school and all school sponsored events / activities. This form must be updated annually. Additionally, this form must be resubmitted as needed to reflect any medication / dosage changes.
All prescription and over-the-counter medications must be delivered to school in its original labeled container. Medications not delivered in its original container will not be accepted by the school. It is also the responsibility of the parents to check expiration dates on all medications. All medications must be delivered to the school by an adult.
Immunization Requirements
The California School Immunization Law requires that children be up-to-date on their immunizations (shots) to attend school. Most children need booster shots before starting kindergarten. Students must present documentation of complete immunizations before entry into a school. Students shall be excluded from school or exempted from immunization requirements only as allowed by law.
Immunization Information - New Legislation
Vision / Hearing Screenings
All students shall have their vision and/or hearing screened in grades K, 2, 5, 8 and 10. This screening shall comply with California Department of Education standards and shall be performed by qualified personnel authorized by the District as specified by law.
For male students, color vision shall be tested one time during the Kindergarten year or first year of school attendance.
The parent'guardian of any student suspected to have visual or auditory concerns shall receive a notice with a request that remedial action be taken to further evaluate the findings.
Classroom teachers may refer any student from any other grade for either screening as necessary.
Affordable Health Care Resources
Organizations and Resources available to assist SVUSD students and their families access Affordable Health Care:
Assistance Regarding Affordable Health Care
Children's Health Insurance Plan Assistance
Covered California Information
Medicaid / Children's Health Insurance Program
All health forms are available in your school office or by downloading the forms below.
Allergy Care Plan
Allergy Care Plan (Español)
Asthma Care Plan
Asthma Care Plan (Español)
Immunizations - Recent Legislation
Immunization Requirements 2022 (English)
Immunization Requirments 2022 (Español)
Kindergarten Dental Exam (English)
Kindergarten Dental Exam (Español)
Kindergarten Health Exam
Kindergarten Health Exam (Español)
Medication Administration/Authorization Form
Medication Administration/Authorization Form (Español)