Diversity, Equity Inclusion & Belonging

DEIB blocks

Diversity, Equity Inclusion & Belonging

SVUSD has committed to honoring diversity and heritage of our students, staff, and community. We will be acknowledging various groups and celebrating them at our schools and at our board meetings.

Celebrations will look different at all schools and even at different grade levels. Some activities might include art, music, book studies, research projects, sharing cultural holidays and celebrations, and activities around campus.

Parents can find our DEIB Calendar Below along with resources for families to extend the learning in their homes: 

24 - 25 DEIB Calendar

DEIB logo

picture of quotes

"I think more students feel more comfortable in their classrooms when more DEIB is considered; I also think that it allows students to think more empathetically about their peers and consider communities other than their own more valuable and less foreign. Students of minority and marginnalized groups feel that they are recongized and important." - SVMS History Teacher "Examining a daily inspirational quote from the celebrated history of the month (Native American History Month, LGBTQAI+ History Month, etc.) Taking time to appreciate the music from those people groups in Music Production Class." - SVMS Music Teacher "Discussion about what it means to accept people, assuming positive intentions but discussing non-inclusive behavior when it happens" - C.M., Science Teacher


DEIB logo

Parent Support & Training 

Throughout Santa Cruz County there are a variety of training and support organizations for families looking to deepen their knowledge of DEIB work. Below are some resources. 

helpful tips

We are preparing our students to be global citizens in a diverse world and educate them to understand different cultures and perspectives. We have students who come with diverse backgrounds and experiences, and it is our responsibility to ensure they feel included in our school community.

Resources for families


Our students have begun working hard to be activists and help our community move forwad with DEIB work. They have shared some powerful TED Talks and presentations that address current issues:

Why MicroAggressions Aren't So Micro

Implicit Bias and How we Push Through 

How to Talk to Kids About DEI

The Importance of DEI in Education

Teaching Young Children about Diversity, Equity, and  Inclusion

Why are Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice so Important in Education

2024 - 2025

Coming In May 2025

DEIB Monthly Celebrations


DEIB Nov - Jan 2024

DEIB Monthly Celebrations
